
First and foremost - The Halcyon Project is a film.

All across the county there are abandoned buildings, nearly every town has at least one. They are relics of past eras rotting in place, slowly turning to dust. To the vast majority of people they are regarded as eyesores, or ignored altogether. Halcyon Hall, like many other such sites, shows that there is far more to be found in these places than decayed wood and tattered curtains. There are countless stories here. Tales of growth, the forging of lifelong friendships, love, and even heartache. The very fibers of these seemingly vacant halls are actually saturated with memories.

What the remains of Halcyon Hall represent is not simply a sad ending to a beautiful building, but the emotional connection we, as a society, place upon what is little more than an assemblage of wood, stone, and mortar. In this way, Halcyon Hall transcends its own architecture, and shows that there is intrinsic value found in even the most unexpected of places. Though nature and the elements have beaten the old place over the harsh decades of its abandonment, it has done nothing to erode the sentimental attachment of those who were lucky enough to have seen Halcyon Hall in her prime, and perhaps even once called her home.
Though this grand hall has long since seen her last days as a school, she still has much to teach us, all we need to do is listen.